Preliminary Task

Preliminary exercise: produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. In addition, you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page.

Points to consider:
Who will be your target audience? ( a year group, sixth form, whole school)
What will the name of your magazine be? ( It should signal or connote ideas to the reader. Because it is for a student it does not need to have meaning to the 'outside' world. )
What will be on your front cover? (main image linked to primary lead. what other features will appear in the magazine that you will need to advertise on the cover?
What will be on your contents page? (remember the lead article should link to the main image on the cover)

Features to be included on front cover:
  • masthead
  • rule of 3
  • puff - eg free lunch pass for top suggestions
  • primary lead (coverline)
  • secondary lead
  • strapline - eg Obsession, because who isn't obsessed, top school mag of the year award
  • main/central image (linked to primary lead)
  • USP (unique selling point - how will your magazine stand out from the rest)