The final weeks
This week some of you will be presenting your evaluations and adding any finishing touches to your productions and your blogs.


Max 10 minute presentation  - you're not expected to read out every stage of it just jot some notes to present and allow time for your audience to absorb. Remember to make it as visual as possible and to use different tools for the different stages. We will be assessing each other's presentations and there will be a quick q + a at the end.

Here are a few tips for you -
  • Fill up your blogs with lots of labels every stage on show and with evidence for moderators to see
  • Have a look at the overall look of your blog, accessibility and demonstration of learning process
  • When it's all over you will be uploading your final post on the blog introducing yourself and your production, convincing them of what you have been learning so it's the first thing they see when they sign into your blog.
Any questions just ask.

w/c January 3rd - Happy New Year all.
As you can see from the deadlines link magazine cover, contents page and double page spread are due by the end of this week.
Next week we will be preparing your evaluations and the following week presenting them. These are final deadlines. Following from this we will be giving you your final marks which make up 50% of your AS grade and we will commence teaching the exam unit January 23rd. These deadlines are now final, you know where to find all of us if you need help in meeting these but a lot of the effort and motivation has to come from you.

Last week before Christmas - give it all you've got this week everyone. More than half of you are making us proud which is an improvement on a couple of weeks ago. Upload any reach, annotate real mag double page spreads, make your flat plans clear, upload as many photos and ideas that come up and make sure you show every separate stage of the construction of mag, contents and dips. Save each stage at the end of each lesson and upload onto ppt so we can then watch the making of slideshow.

Have a look at this level 4 work:


And mark schemes:

w/c November 28th - readership profiles done time to take photos and plan  your real magazine.

w/c November 21st - Now you can begin documenting all your music magazine planning stages, no matter how small - name brainstorms, music genre profile, flat plan, fonts, three colour scheme, flat plan of your front cover, contents and double page spread. Write about your primary image plans and your primary  and secondary leads.

w/c November 7th - Audience readership profiles - this is a good example Audience research slideshare and this one

w/c October 31st - Hope you all had a lovely break. This week we will be focusing on your presentations and peer assessing them for your LAP docs. From now we will be concentrating on your actual music magazines with mood/word boards for names and music genres etc, so start  thinking about the genre you're going for, the magazine title and the pictures you will need. Of course, you will also be researching your audience and asking everyone their opinions too. See you all Monday!

w/c October 10th - finished preliminary tasks (cover and contents pages)  with planning and Learning and Progress charts -

w/c October 17th - music magazine presentations - you will be asked to buy a music magazine and analyse it's forms and conventions, audience, institution and representation.

Remember to keep a record in your LAP docs and anything you upload of what you are learning as you go along! Upload the practise front cover pictures on to your blogs and evaluate the angle, composition, background etc. What worked and what didn't? Deadline for school front page and contents is 2nd October. It must be uploaded on to your blogs with all the checklist items listed below.

Monday September 19th - blog and LAP chart update
  • magazine analyses
  • questionnaire for school magazine
  • analyses of questionnaires
  • flat plan (rough sketch of the front cover) scan or take a pic and upload
  • points to consider (4 questions on page 3 of your pack)
  • keep self/peer/teacher assessment up

Friday September 16th you will be presenting your magazine cover analyses (from your blog) to Miss Brookes.

The following week these must be on your blog:
  • Questionnaire
  • Main points to consider from page 3 of your packs (or click on prelim task)
  • analysis of a front cover if you have any probs