
Seven questions to answer, cannot be written in essay style, options include: blog posts with 50/50 visual/text ratio, video, powerpoint with screen grabs and then filming of presentation. For these last two you do need a written script to make sure you haven't left anything out.

1: In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products? (You don't need more than a paragraph for each of these bullet points aside from the images which requires a bit more discussion.)

  • Discuss the title name, masthead design and colour, compare with real magazines to show how you've followed conventions.
  • Discuss the mise en scene in your images - costumes, lighting, musician poses and facial expressions, makeup, props and settings. How and why did you choose these?
  • Title, font and style - what is the style and font, howo will it appeal to your targe audience and how does it follow the conventions of a music magazine.
  • Written content - what questions did you ask the band? Did you follow the standard interview conventions of introducing the band at the beginning? What kind of language was used? Is there and editor's letter featured in the contents page and if so, what is the kind of language used in this.
  • What is your music genre and how does your magazine suggest it? How is this clear? What images did you use, bands, colour schemes were used to suggest this?
  • Layout - how are the photos arranged, where is the text, masthead, where are your main coverlines, standfirsts?
  • Contents page - what does it feature that follows the conventions of existing music magazines? How will it appeal to your audience?

2: How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups (one paragraph with photo from your magazine and comparison with real music magazine)

Choose a couple of examples from your main images and discuss the posture, facial expression, costumes etc with the angle and framing of your shot and the lighting to describe what social group you are reflecting throughout your magazine. Also, compare with image(s) from a real music magazine.

3: What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why? (one paragraph with company logo and examples of other mags they might distribute which fits in with yours)

Again, use a similar magazine that is already on the market and decide which institution would distribute your magazine, what other magazines do they distribute at the moment? EMAP, IPC, Future, Bauer?

http://www.magforum.com/glossies/music_magazines.htm scroll down to top selling mags and their publishers.

4:Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product
This is where your readership profile comes in, why not make it more interesting by filming/interviewing someone on their lifestyle choices? or show a picture of your typical reader with description of bands that they like, what they spend their money on etc.

5:How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience ?
Display your final cover, contents, double page spread, annotate these either in flickr with tags or in ppt boxes, you could also film yourself doing a demonstrtation showing how the language, fonts, layouts and use of colour attracted/addressed the audience. Show what questions you asked your audience with pictures about your production, or interview your audience. Include a summary of your audience feedback - what do you think of the front cover, contents page, double page spread?

6:What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

From your laptops to memory sticks, fireworks, publisher, photoshop, dafont, blogger, slideshare, flickr, youtube - this question basically requires a list of tools used with pictures and a brief description of why they were useful.

7:Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product
Show your school cover and contents page alongside your music mag cover and contents. Overall, what did you learn about layout, images, tools how did you increase the visual appeal from one production to the next? What did you use/learn in order to create a more interesting product?