Genre, Audience and Representation

magazine - industry - consumer

You will introduce your magazine, describe its genre and said which institution owns it, you will indicate its target audience, its competitors and may even have said something briefly about the magazine’s “ mission statement. ”

You are then going to examine the types of representations you have found within its pages both in terms of pictures and articles, this will be in part an exercise in content analysis as well as analysis of more specific pictures and articles.

You will be looking for themes, recurring ideas, stereotypes and any material which attempts to construct templates, roles or attitudes for its target audience: you will be looking for assumptions and adverts which clearly construct a certain type of audience .

In representational terms you will be looking at whether or not the adverts conflict with or support the rest of the magazine.

1) Are the people in the magazine models or “ordinary people”?
2) What advice does the magazine seem to be giving about roles , behaviour, careers, musical tastes and lifestyles ?
3) How are people constructed inside the magazine’s photography and general imagery ie body language , dresscodes, backgrounds etc ?
4) Count the adverts and then the articles/ what is the ratio / choose a couple of adverts and a couple of articles that reflect who your audience are. How much money are they encouraging you to spend?
5) What is the language throughout the magazine, is it informal, patronising, wise and knowledgeable, telling you what to do, or equal friend?
6) From everything you've stated, what relates to the genre of your music magazines?
7) What class, age, gender, ethnicity, job is your reader?