
latest deadlines
14th October - cover and contents page
17th October - Music Magazine presentations on prezi, slideshare or scribd
31st October - begin planning music magazines, research, audience, questionnaires, photos, flat plans of cover and contents.
14th November - feature writing, layout
28th November - readership profiles, LAP docs updated, flat plans, practise photos, names and genre research
17th Dec – First draft magazine cover, contents page, double page spread and completely updated blog. You will begin to lose marks for planning and time management if these are not complete. You are welcome to stay after school in order to meet these deadlines.
w/c 3rd Jan –complete final versions of cover, contents and double page spread
w/c 16th Jan -preparation and production of evaluations
w/c 23rd Jan - Presentations of evaluations
w/c 30th Jan - exam unit teaching commences, Mr Anstee/Miss Shuttle will be teaching you the film industry and I will be teaching Textual analysis in tv drama.